Replacing the pump for Ford Focus 2


Replacing the pump with a Ford Focus 2 is perhaps not such a complicated procedure, for which it is worth giving an extra thousand rubles. The article contains detailed instructions on how to change the pump, how to choose it, and what pitfalls there may be.

The content of the article:

  • What is a pump
  • Typical malfunctions
  • Symptoms of malfunctions
  • How to choose
  • Pump replacement procedure
  • A variety of aggregates

What is a pump

For those who do not understand what it is, this is a water pump that circulates coolant in the system. A pulley is installed on the outside of the shaft, which is driven by a drive belt, which, as a rule, is one for several units. For example, one belt can rotate the water pump and generator, and the other can rotate the power steering and air conditioning pulley. In any case, the performances are very different.

On the inner edge, an impeller is installed, which, in fact, pumps the liquid into a certain branch pipe.

Pump malfunctions

There are only a few reasons why a pump replacement for a Ford Focus 2 is required:

  • Bearing wear. It can be either a nasty whistle, a creak, both at idle and at high speeds, or a full wedge. Then the impeller does not rotate at all, this leads to overheating.
  • Shaft wear. In this case, a play occurs in the joint between the shaft and the bearing, which soon disassembles the bearing.
  • Oil seal leak. On many vehicles this oil seal is removable, but not in the case of the Focus. This is logical, because at home it will not be possible to plant such a small oil seal so accurately.
  • Crack in the case. Quite a rare reason, but still occurs.

How to understand that a pump replacement is required

Well, now that we have figured out a little with typical pump malfunctions, let's talk about how, in fact, to diagnose this very malfunction.

  • Whistle, creak at idle and medium speed. Of course, there are a lot of pulleys on the side of the belts on the engine, but by ear it is quite easy to determine the pump bearing, there are simply no others nearby, here the Focus is as simple as a bicycle.
  • Flow. Everything is also quite simple, but you need to make sure that it flows in it.
  • Overheating of the engine. Everything is much more complicated here, without special equipment such a malfunction cannot be diagnosed, so only at random.

How to choose a pump for Ford Focus 2

There are two options. The first option is with a triangular pulley mounting flange. If the car has such a pump, then you need to put it exactly the same, since another option will not work.

The second option is a round flange. If it is there, then there is no difference in the pumps. Such a pump will not fit instead of the first because the flange will not allow a pulley to be put on it, and the other pulley will not stand up, because there is too little space between the crankcase and the spar. Of course, you can unscrew the engine support, jack it up, move the engine forward and install the unfortunate pump, but why all this if you can just see which one is installed on the engine?

Replacing the pump for Ford Focus 2

Now let's talk directly about how to change the pump for Ford Focus 2. First, it is worth saying that the replacement will not necessarily be due to a malfunction. The manufacturer regulates this procedure for 100 thousand kilometers, however, in fact, it is advisable to do it at 70-80 thousand, as well as replacing the timing belt.

So, for work we need a set of keys, a knife, a sealant, two screwdrivers, one of which has a thick, powerful rod.

To begin with, we raise the car, or we drive into the pit, it will be much more convenient this way. We unscrew the lower engine casing - protection from dirt.

We remove the expansion tank from the mounts and place it so that all the antifreeze can drain out of it. Now we drain either all the antifreeze, or that part of it, which is enough so that the antifreeze does not stand in the pump. It is clear that guessing the amount is practically unrealistic, so it is better to drain the whole one.

Next, we take a knife and vandalously cut off the belts, because they are disposable on Ford Focus 2. It is horror what an unpleasant moment, right my heart bleeds.

Now we insert a powerful screwdriver between the pump pulley attachment bots so that two are clamped and two are free. We unscrew the free ones. Then we change and unscrew the rest.

We unscrew the pump, clean off the remnants of the sealant. We apply a new sealant, wait 7-8 minutes, in accordance with the instructions, then screw it into place. When removing an old pump, it is worth remembering that there are two guide bushings in its housing, which fix the part quite firmly. You will most likely need to use a small hammer to gently knock the pump out of its place.

Other engines

"Others" means units that have been installed on the Ford Focus 2 since April 2005.

The fact is that here the timing belt tensioner is attached to the pump housing. There are practically no differences in work, the only difference is the need to remove the timing belt with all the ensuing consequences, such as careful installation without displacing the camshafts and crankshaft, and better with fixing them.

