Car horoscope for the week of February 11 to 17


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  1. Auto horoscope from 11 to 17 February
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Crayfish
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

This road week will be challenging but exciting. Indeed, all the participants in the movement are agitated and agitated. Pedestrians throw heart-shaped pads at each other, traffic cops wink and smile affectionately, and some drivers scribble love confessions and listen to romantic songs while driving. It is clear that during this February period the people celebrate Valentine's Day. But iron horses are not familiar with Saint Valentine - if only there was gasoline, the wheels were spinning and the owners took care. In general, we will not sculpt valentines on the windshield - visibility is already zero, and even the Emergencies Ministry threatens with fogs, blizzards and snowfalls.

Auto horoscope from 11 to 17 February


Aries, parking is prohibited - but what is it, these February days you endlessly stumble upon such signs. Maybe that's the way it should be - drive without stopping, you see, and you will reach your destination without delay. But just do not overtake the suspicious clunker, which is barely dragging in front - what if these cool guys are encrypted or, in general, the traffic police are having fun and dreaming of fining someone. And don't drive past sad pedestrians with thermometers under their arms this winter week - they are celebrating World Sick Day. The stars are amazed - how many holidays do earthlings have. Your car also wants to undergo medical treatment and get an appointment with a car mechanic doctor - roll to the workshop.


Taurus, wait, pedestrian, don't run to the red, to the zebra, eccentric, don't slow down. And the road will be fun and cool ... and happy journey to all drivers! The stars were not going to compose a song, they just watched the two-legged creatures - like everyone in school taught the rules, why are they behaving so ugly ?! Or they think that if there are no cameras in this place, you can ignore the traffic light and talk on the phone while standing in the middle of a busy highway. And do not pay attention to the voting Gorillas and Macaques - the monkeys did not run away from the zoo, but just went out to celebrate the International Darwin Day (who is this uncle, even iron horses know - what if our cars also descended from monkeys ?!).


Gemini, your sign's chauffeur in these February days can do without pointers - it feels like navigators are inside you. Or maybe iron horses intuitively sense danger and go around difficult areas. True, this will not protect you from meetings with road police officers - the traffic cops are conveniently located at every kilometer and they wave and wave as if there is nothing else to do (they can dance, but they don't pay extra for it). By the way, do not turn off your receivers - this winter week only funny and dashing songs are heard from there. It's understandable, because drunk DJs sit at all radio stations and celebrate World Radio Day.


Raki, the weather this February will be snowy and windy and the roads will be rough. But the drivers of your sign are not afraid of such nonsense and do not even respond to messages from the Ministry of Emergencies. Indeed, such cheerful passengers are sitting in your cabin that even the stars giggle quietly. Just make sure that fellow travelers do not fall asleep - the iron horse hates the sounds of snoring. And try to let all pedestrians pass, even those who seem not to be going to the other side - the guys celebrate Geek's Day, hover in virtual reality and are a little dumb. It's good that the iron horse does not depend on the Internet and does not hang on classmates and Facebook.

A lion

Lions, the two-legged one walks along the zebra, and the traffic cop looks vigilantly, the horse rushes along the tracks - in general, everything is as usual, and this winter road week will be quite ordinary. Only here you come across some kind of greedy passengers and are ready to bargain for every kilometer and shake over every ruble. Do not be offended by them - the guys celebrate an unusual holiday: Zhmot's Day. Drop them off at the nearest gas station - let them try to drink coffee for free or find a driver who will take them for free. And you yourself rush to the garage - the car in these February days needs a rest and wants to calmly stand in a cozy and warm stall (as they say, a good and caring owner of an iron horse will not drive out in the cold).


Virgo, get rid of the trash in the trunk and stop suffering from the fact that these pieces of iron, boxes and rags will ever come in handy - trust the star drivers: they will not come in handy! And how your horse will be delighted and rush along the winter off-road - it will overtake everyone, overtake and even rush past the traffic cops at such a speed that the patrol guys will not even notice it (it will also slip invisible under the cameras). And do not be alarmed when strange guys jump into the salon and start reading rhymes about the bunny that the hostess threw, or about Tanya, whose ball drowned. These are harmless admirers of Agnia Barto - the famous and beloved children's poetess has a birthday in February.


Libra, the stars are sad to look from above at the cars, which are huddled at the entrances and cringed from the cold. But you don't leave your iron beauty anywhere and drive her every evening into a spacious and comfortable garage. And the machine knows how to be grateful, and you will be convinced of this - the roads in the February period will be kind, travel - cheerful, passengers - generous. Just do not be surprised if you see traffic cops running around the posts with thistles and sticking the plant into the snowdrifts. The guys celebrate Laurentian Day and protect themselves from witches. Drive quickly before the patrolmen spot you - maybe this winter week the drivers of your sign will be lucky and you will never talk to them.


Scorpios, some prefer a boring comfortable ride, but the drivers of your sign are from a different test. The main thing is speed, thrill, obstacles and obstacles. There will be no shortage of obstacles in these February days - just manage to solve traffic problems and jump over snowdrifts, get out of traffic jams and have conversations with intractable traffic cops. Also pedestrians are weird - they rush along the roads and shout: U-s-s-s. It turns out that the guys portray a steamer and celebrate his birthday. Although there are no hungry gulls in this winter period, although ... on the country roads you can meet anyone - there are seagulls, hares, and even butterflies (well, you understand what kind of butterflies the stars are talking about).


Sagittarius, the February path winds like a gray-white ribbon, and there is only winter space ahead - beauty. Still, the cars that are lined up in front of you, somewhere to remove with one wave of a magic wand - ask the traffic cop for the baton, suddenly it will work, and the traffic jam will disappear. But miracles do not happen on the roads - do not be sad, it is better to drink coffee from a thermos, tune the receiver to the desired frequency and listen to the chanson (or whatever you like there). And do not quarrel with pedestrians - the earth is round, suddenly you will meet again. Moreover, in this winter, everyone celebrates Galileo Galilei's birthday (he also argued that the earth has the shape of a ball, however, then he seemed to renounce these words so that they would not be burned).


Capricorns, there is nowhere to rush these February days, so calmly warm up the engine, straighten the seat covers and call your friends from the service station - let them prepare for your arrival. And then the iron horse became mocked, sneezed, maybe caught a cold, or is just so capricious and requires attention.On the footpaths in this winter period, there is beauty - the two-legged walk carefully, and even in pairs. Probably, they left the institutions in which they introduce people and connect hearts - everyone celebrates the International Day of Marriage Agencies. Maybe it will become freer on the tracks - couples in love will ride the same car (great, isn't it ?!).


Aquarians, stars have paved an excellent route, so your sign's chauffeurs will be happy with the ride this February. If you, of course, are not the drivers of fixed-route taxis or buses, it is hard to sit at the wheel in public transport, and even the passengers are making noise and demand that the driver lower the fee (as if he sets it himself). Whether it's a matter of driving in your own car - drive yourself, shout at your fellow travelers, stop at every cafe and enjoy rolls and coffee. Just do not be surprised that cats are running around in every roadside eatery - people celebrate Trifonov Day and drive out mice. Look, even the traffic cops let the tailed beasts into the guard houses, although where they got the mice from is not clear.


Fish, February roads are treacherous and unpredictable - either a traffic cop will jump out from under the snow, then a two-legged with furious eyes will rush to a red light, then a reckless driver will start to overtake in a narrow space, where even one car can hardly fit. In general, do not spoil and steer carefully. You can read a book with traffic rules - it will take a long time to stand in a traffic jam, you will repeat the old rules and master the new ones. And be polite - praise your neighbor-chauffeur for a clean car, take the old woman over the zebra crossing, give a lift to a drunken poor fellow who has no money for a taxi. At the same time, celebrate the International Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness - this is such a wonderful holiday that both drivers and pedestrians enjoy.

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