Car horoscope for the week from February 25 to March 3


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  1. Auto horoscope from February 25 to March 3
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Crayfish
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

Heavenly chauffeurs got into a terrible traffic jam and even ran into a post with intractable traffic cops - if there is such a mess on the Milky Way, then what can we expect from earthly roads ?! In general, in these winter-spring days we will not get bored, and the road week will be fun and hectic. Still, the price tags for gasoline would not change - in this situation, motorists would become the happiest inhabitants of the planet, but, ... alas, alas. But let's not be sad, and look at the pedestrians - the two-legged stagger, shy away from their own shadow, and their eyes are dull, dim. Well, everything is clear - the guys celebrate the Day of Discovery of Spirits. If only they didn’t look into our salons and didn’t confuse traffic signals.

Auto horoscope from February 25 to March 3


Aries, the patrol hid, the cameras drooped, and the steep jeep rushed at a red light - why is everything wrong again, and there is no road justice? Indeed, someone can violate, and someone can not - discrimination, however. Don't worry, there will be a holiday on your track this week - the stars are guaranteed. But it is better not to leave the garage until the weekend - put things in order there, get rid of the accumulated rags and pieces of iron, throw away all these "necessary" plastic gizmos. And on Sunday roll wherever you look. Just do not be alarmed if pot-bellied traffic cops slow you down - the guys re-read the fairy tale "Three Fat Men" and decided to celebrate the birthday of Yuri Olesha (or maybe they just ate too much).


Taurus, this road week will be a plus sign and the chauffeurs of your sign will be satisfied. Just do not wipe the windows before the trip - guys rush along the tracks with buckets and rags and offer their services almost for free. People celebrate the day of glasswashers - out, even the traffic cops have armed themselves with cleaners and polish the windows in their guard houses. Maybe they will get carried away with work, and you will be able to rush past the patrol at a speed of over a hundred. But it is better not to take risks, besides, your iron horse does not like to show off and always remembers the rule: the quieter you go, the further you will be. And where to hurry - there is still a traffic jam ahead, stretching for a kilometer, or even two.


Gemini, the stars recently rode your route and, to put it mildly, were stunned by the innovations. But the drivers of your sign are experienced guys and quickly find their bearings in traffic situations, in any new signs and incomprehensible multi-colored markings. However, this February-March week you need to be more careful, and in no case should you lose your vigilance. Traffic cops fine everyone in a row, the iron horse snorts happily, mows down with a headlamp and signals every cute biped, and pedestrians generally behave strangely. Probably everyone is celebrating the day on which the police were renamed the police. But the chauffeurs do not care - even if the police, even the police, would be good roads, and everything else is trifles.


Cancers, the stars have good news for the drivers of your sign - the tracks at the end of February and at the beginning of March will be smooth, the traffic cops are kind, the pedestrians are neat. But do not relax and steer your business - this winter-spring week is full of not only pleasant surprises, but also all sorts of different problems. If you happen to meet an intractable person in uniform, push your passengers - let them wake up and record everything on a camera or a dictaphone, so as not to be extreme later. And ideally, lock the iron horse in the stall and ride the tram - both cheaper and more relaxed. So, without haste, you will get to the place, at the same time celebrate the Day of Leisure.

A lion

Lions, stars conducted a survey among car service workers - the guys complain that there is a lot of work, and the salary is penny. It is clear that none of them will waste time on in-depth inspection of cars - in general, a little more, and we will return to the queues, and it will be possible to break through to the service station only by pull. Conclusion - make useful contacts and visit car mechanics more often. But back to our roads - in this winter-spring period it is fun on the tracks. Just do not grumble at the scattered pedestrians - the guys are actually hanging out. They celebrate the Crow Counting Day - so the traffic jam was formed on time, join in and also count someone - for example, your passengers (there are a lot of them).


Virgo, who is cooler: a traffic cop or a driver? Of course, the driver, you say, and you will be right - if there were no chauffeurs, then there would be no patrol guys. But this is nonsense, and you need to prepare for road difficulties. These days, the machine is mischievous: either the headlight turns off, the wipers are capricious, then the wheels will skid out of the blue - do not drive past the workshop and do not spare money for repair work. And by the way, check the alarm - it sings somehow sadly and quietly. And if at a traffic light bipeds in polar bear costumes run up to you, don't be alarmed - the guys celebrate the International Day of the Polar Bear. But do not treat them to coffee - they are clumsy, they will still be poured, burned - in general, a complete hassle.


Libra, spring this week will come only calendar, so do not rush to change covers and take out felt boots from the trunk - let them roll around, do not ask to eat, and okay. And by the way, make sure that too many passengers do not accumulate in the back seat - two of them are normal, but three of them in warm down jackets are somehow cramped. If at the end of February you notice drunks and parasites on the road, drive away as soon as possible - the guys have entered the role and can destroy the salon out of excess of feelings. They celebrate the birthday of Alexei Smirny and remember Shurik's partner from Operation Y. Your car loves comedy with this wonderful actor, but refuses to give a ride to the strange two-legged.


Scorpions, again a city traffic jam, how annoying it is, not to see a gap at all. The traffic light suddenly broke, it will not relieve us of our torment - it shines with a red light. Conclusion - move on foot or buy air transport. Well, soon the prices for fuel will be such that it is cheaper to rent a helicopter (a couple of years to work as a cab driver, you see, it will be enough for an hour of flight). And at the end of the week, indulge the iron horse with new things. The typewriter is also a person and wants to get rid of winter belongings and change boring covers for bright spring capes. But do not rush to change your shoes - the guys from the Ministry of Emergency Situations have not switched over for March and are still sending all sorts of snowy SMS horror stories to the drivers.


Sagittarius, the stars found out that diesel fuel freezes in the cold. The question is why it is sold in winter, because not every driver will think of splashing antigel into the tank or putting a blowtorch in the trunk, just in case. But you are a chauffeur with experience and experience, and you won't scare you with such nonsense. And in general, let's not be distracted - the week is expected to be eventful, interesting road connections and meetings with unusual traffic cops await you, so do not yawn even in traffic jams. Bald pedestrians are running along the roadside, but pay attention - they have strangely shaped birthmarks on their heads. It's not difficult to guess - it's Mikhail Gorbachev's fans celebrating his birthday. The car doesn't like him, so drive by.


Capricorns, the interior is well thought out, the handling is excellent, the service is inexpensive - after all, you are lucky with the machine, and you do not have to scold the manufacturer every morning.Do not be offended by the drivers in traffic, who shout at the whole Ivanovo and try to involve you and your passengers in a scandal - maybe they chose the wrong brake fluid, or their stove broke, but you never know reasons for anger. And best of all, go where there are few people - an iron horse dreams of getting out into nature. Celebrate the first day of spring with a wheelbarrow ride on the suburban trail. Just behave self-confidently so that the local traffic cops do not mistake you for a newcomer - you yourself know that we do not stand on ceremony with drivers without experience.


Aquarians, a white and white UAZ was driving along a snowy road, a pale, pale traffic cop was sitting in it and shouting: give up your license. Winter horror stories are a thing of the past, and drivers have finally burst into spring. But for some reason, no one is happy, and the chauffeur of your sign is generally displeased. Did they really get on low-quality fuel, or did they give a lift to chatty passengers who wore out all their nerves ?! Don't panic, the stars promise a great road week and promise that you will drive without adventure. And if you meet two-legged, smeared with chocolate, do not be surprised - everyone celebrates the birthday of Alexei Abrikosov, who is the founder of the Babaevsky concern (no advertising, just facts).


Pisces, your iron horse is a modest worker, the machine needs neither fame nor recognition. If only the owner did not scold, but the passengers in the cabin did not litter. You really be gentle with her and do not ride on bad roads unnecessarily. Although, we have no other roads. And pay attention to the shock absorbers - they are somehow depressed. And by the way, slow down not only in front of zebras and traffic lights, but also just like that - in this winter-spring period, brooding two-legged with books in their hands rush everywhere. Well these are writers celebrating their holiday. Look, the traffic cops are also scribbling something in a notebook - maybe they are counting profit, or maybe they are writing their biography (it would be interesting to read).

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