Technical characteristics of the engine Hyundai IX 35 and acceleration to 100


Engine displacement and acceleration up to 100 km / h of the Hyundai IX 35 car. The main generations and configurations of the model, as well as possible variations within one generation, are introduced. Engine volume and acceleration up to 100 km / h of the Hyundai IX 35 car. The main generations are introduced. and a complete set of the model, as well as possible variations within the same generation.

Generation Hyundai i35:

  • 1st generation 2013-2015 (LM, SUV, restyling)
  • 1st generation 2009-2013 (LM, SUV)

Engine torque and displacement play a major role in a vehicle's agility. Acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h depends on these indicators. According to reports, the Hyundai ix35 can overcome the first hundred on the speedometer in 9.8 to 13.7 seconds.

Engine characteristics Hyundai i35 2013, 1st generation, SUV, restyling, LM

The model was produced from 05.2013 to 12.2015.

ModificationEngine displacement, see cube.Maximum torque, N * mAcceleration to 100 km / h, s
2.0 l, 136 hp, diesel, automatic transmission, four-wheel drive199532011,3
2.0 l, 184 hp, diesel, automatic transmission, four-wheel drive199539210,1
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive199819710,4
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, four-wheel drive199819710,7
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, front-wheel drive199819710,6
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, four-wheel drive199819711,2

Engine characteristics Hyundai i35 2009, 1st generation, SUV, LM

The model was produced from 08.2009 to 09.2013.

ModificationEngine displacement, see cube.Maximum torque, N * mAcceleration to 100 km / h, s
2.0 l, 136 hp, diesel, manual transmission, four-wheel drive199532010,2
2.0 l, 184 hp, diesel, automatic transmission, four-wheel drive199539210,1
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, front-wheel drive199519710,4
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, manual transmission, four-wheel drive199519710,7
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, front-wheel drive199519710,6
2.0 l, 150 hp, gasoline, automatic transmission, four-wheel drive199519711,3

